STILL LIFE (French name - nature morte) is work, the plot of which is the arrangement of inanimate objects, both natural and man-made. These items are usually table-mounted and often include organic items such as fruits and flowers, as well as household items such as glassware and textiles. Life literally stands still in these organized displays of objects, including shells, books, skulls, and dead animals, as well as living plants and creatures: flowers, insects, and sometimes a person, a dog, or a parrot. The pictorial depiction of objects has existed since antiquity, but it was only in the Renaissance that still life emerged as an independent genre.
Take a look at our curated collection of Still lifes and see that even the most mundane everyday objects can be made into masterpieces.

STILL LIFE (French name - nature morte) is work, the plot of which is the arrangement of inanimate objects, both natural and man-made. These items are usually table-mounted and often include organic items such as fruits and flowers, as well as household items such as glassware and textiles. Life literally stands still in these organized displays of objects, including shells, books, skulls, and dead animals, as well as living plants and creatures: flowers, insects, and sometimes a person, a dog, or a parrot. The pictorial depiction of objects has existed since antiquity, but it was only in the Renaissance that still life emerged as an independent genre.
Take a look at our curated collection of Still lifes and see that even the most mundane everyday objects can be made into masterpieces.